Biblical Counseling: 10 Things DADS Can Do to Fight Hard for Their Sons


Father’s Day is right around the corner, and I want to call you out into the role God made for you as husbands, fathers, men.

American Institute Health Care Professionals‘s insight:

With Father’s Day around the corner, fathers will receive alot of love.  How as fathers do we love our children?  Do we give them what they need? This article looks at how fathers can be better role models and care givers to their child or children.

Fatherhood is a vocation.  It is essential that as fathers, we carry out our vocation with a seriousness as demanded by the Holy Spirit.

If you are interested in learning more about biblical counseling then please review the program.  Qualified professionals can become certified in biblical counseling by taking the core courses.

Once certified in Christian Counseling or Biblical counseling, a qualified professional will retain the certification for three years.  Upon that mark, he or she will need to renew it.




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