The article, “5 Website Mistakes That Chase Health Coaching Clients Away”, by Karen Brunet states
“Is your coaching website attracting clients? If it isn’t, then it could be you’re making one of these 5 common website mistakes that chase clients away.”
American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:
Are you currently in the Health Care Coaching field? Do you use a website to promote your business? If you own and maintain your own website for your clients then you might want to follow the health coaching advice listed here.
There are plenty of things you should not do on a website but he most important thing is knowing it is basically an advertisement for your skills. With that in mind you need to show your potential clients why a life coach is important to them. You need to show how you have helped others. And most importantly you need to have up to date contact information on your site. Many times potential clients have been turned away from an invalid e-mail address or a number that connects them to a local pizza shop.
Designing a Health Coaching website for clients? Then avoid these mistakes.