Learn to Meditate with Congressman Ryan

Learn to Meditate

Congressman Tim Ryan (D-Oh) insists that meditation is the answer! An expert in mindfulness meditation, the Congressman has written a new book that has just recently been released by Hay House publishers. The book is a real eye-opener for those who have little knowledge and experience in the practice of mindfulness. The Congressman’s quest is to introduce mindfulness into our schools, our work places, etc., thus creating a more mindful and peaceful nation. This article is highly recommended, as well as the accompanying video.

The article, “Meditating with Tim Ryan”, by Patrick Gavin states

“Rep. Tim Ryan may have once been a typical politician, but no longer: The Ohio Democrat has traded in the hurried mentality that dominates Capitol Hill for a more Zen-like approach.

Read more: access here

Are you ready to learn more about mindfulness meditation? Pick up a copy of Tim Ryan’s book today.  Start to practice this simple technique and see how your life improves. If you are interested in teaching meditation and you are a health professional, you may want to preview our program by access this link: learn to meditate

2 thoughts on “Learn to Meditate with Congressman Ryan

  1. I would not. Not at this time. Maybe never.
    Her guts and aggressiveness (“to shake Washington, DC”) is not enough to be a good and effective US President.
    Compared to Hillary, Sarah is simply not RIPE for the job:
    _ Her kids are just too young right now, they need what little attention they can get from her more than the whole US do.
    _She needs more WISDOM. Very few people were born wise (example: Solomon). To most people WISDOM comes slowly as they aged. Some people never gain it at all, depends on how narrow-minded and prejudiced they are. If you have WISDOM, you learn to become humble, calm, firm and strong but not offensive/aggressive, tolerant, practical, sensitive to other people’s pain, broad-minded in your beliefs and decision-making. A wise leader can be without experience and knowledge but still be very effective because they know when and how to listen, observe, study, learn, MEDITATE and think. Yes! meditate, after all, our mind is our very connection to a greater POWER out there.

  2. Our mind on meditation is like coherence for peace. Internal peace brings about external calm and allows the energy of the group to have a more positive flow, perspective and bottom line.
    I’ve trained some of the Fortune 500 companies in meditation and every time their Finance Dept participates the company has higher profits and overall performance.
    Glad that it’s making the rounds on the Hill.

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