What on an emotional scale is the value of your dog to you? What financial number would you place on your dog’s life? While many place the love they have for their dog equal to a human, courts have different views. Many love their dogs so much they will spend thousands to save him or her despite the low monetary values courts put in lawsuit cases.
Other things to consider is how long you have had the dog. Individuals tend to put less stock in a dog they may have just bought or found. Again with everything in life, love and grief are associated with attachment and bonds. The stronger the bond, the stronger the love and consequently loss and grief.

The article, “A dog’s life :La Follette School researcher puts a number on man’s best friend” by AARON R. CONKLIN looks to understand how individuals differently value their dog’s life. He states,
“If you’re like most pet owners, the quick and easy answer is “priceless.” But in regulation and the courts, that sort of vague, emotion-based response doesn’t go especially far. Until recently, neither venue had any science-based estimate of dollar value pet owners implicitly place on the lives of their pets when they make decisions that affect their pets’ mortality risks. ”
To read the entire article, please click here
So what value would you put on your dog’s life considering, he or she is young and been part of your life long enough to form a concrete bond? Please also review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Counseling Training Program and see if you qualify to earn a certification in this field.