Meditation Instructor Program Article on Starting Meditation

Meditation can open one to a much healthier world in all aspects of existence.  Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health all benefit from consistent practice of meditation.  Meditation can be based in any spiritual or faith based tradition.  While spiritual aims differ from faith to faith, most can enjoy the physical and emotional balance that comes from meditation.  If one does not practice meditation, one should consider learning the basics and incorporating this practice into one’s life.  Others who are certified in Meditation Instruction can help others begin this exciting path.

What is the best way to start learning about meditation? Please also review our Meditation Instructor Program


The article, “How to Start Meditating” by 

“When you think of what meditating looks like, what comes to mind? A lotus position, a yoga mat, a beautiful wood-lined room? If that’s how you feel most comfortable practicing, that’s great. But some people prefer to lie flat on their back, while others choose to sit on a chair. The key is to find a position where your body can feel strong yet neutral.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Please review AIHCP’s Meditation Instructor Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.