Crisis Intervention Training Blog on Compliance and Crisis in Policing

Police officers are public servants but when things become difficult with non compliant citizens, it can quickly lead to violence.  In the news, we see horrible incidents of mental health issues erupting between officers and suspects where individuals end up killed.  Officers need to know how to de-escalate situations and prevent unnecessary death of suspects or citizens in custody.  Crisis Intervention is important to help prevent bad things from happening. Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Training program

Interaction with police should not be a dangerous thing. Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Training


The article, “How officers can move people from crisis to compliance” by Sergeant Christopher Bax looks closer at helping officers better work for safer outcomes with the public.  He states,

“Moving someone from a state of crisis toward compliance is not easy. By recognizing indicators of emotional distress, gaining information through active listening, communicating understanding, forming connections and making informed decisions, officers can help a person in crisis while achieving the goal of voluntary compliance.”

To read the entire article, please click here

Officers can benefit from additional Crisis Intervention Training.

Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Training Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking training in Crisis Intervention.