An important skill for children is meditation. Meditation and spiritual and emotional health are many times overlooked in parenting. It is important for parents to help their children develop spiritual skills with their faith and mental overall health.. Meditation is an excellent way to help develop a child’s faith but also as a way to deal with stress and anger in life. Whether the techniques are Eastern or Western, instilling in a child the ability to look inward is an important skill. The idea of meditation for children is gaining more and more acceptance also in schools where it can be utilized in a secular way to help calm and quiet children.

The article, “Meditation for Kids: The Basics and the Benefits ” by healthessentials from the Cleveland Clinic takes a look at the importance and basics of meditation for children. The article discusses the numerous benefits children can receive from meditation. It discusses the types of meditation that work best with children as well as proper ways to work with kids learning meditation. Also importantly, the article discusses how meditation can form bonds within the family. Overall, meditation carries enormous benefits for children. The article states,
“Kids can benefit from meditation at any age. However, it’s important to adjust the form based on how old they are. For instance, if you struggle to make it through a five-minute seated meditation session, don’t expect your little one to cruise through it.”
“Meditation for Kids”. March 25th, 2022. Healthessentials. Cleveland Clinic.
To read the entire article, please click here
Meditation is a commonly used mental health intervention that has been shown to be effective in a variety of settings and for a variety of populations. Meditation is a mindfulness-based intervention that can be used to increase awareness of thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations. Research on meditation has shown that it can be an effective intervention for reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. The health benefits of meditation have been well-documented. Meditation has been shown to lower blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve symptoms of conditions like insomnia and chronic pain.
Meditation for Children
There are many benefits to meditation, especially for children. Meditation can help children focus and concentrate, while also teaching them how to control their emotions and impulses. Additionally, meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety levels, and can promote a sense of calm and wellbeing. All of these benefits can help children in school and in their personal lives. Hence children who are struggling in school may benefit from meditation training at home or from another mental health professional.
There is a growing body of evidence indicating that meditation can have a number of benefits for students, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving focus and concentration, and increasing self-awareness and empathy. Given these potential benefits, it makes sense to incorporate meditation into the school day, either in the form of a brief class period devoted to mindfulness or as part of the curriculum in other subjects such as health or history.
There are many types of meditation for children. Some common ones include mindfulness meditation, concentration meditation, and visualization meditation.
Mindfulness meditation is a type of meditation where children focus on their breath and being present in the moment. This type of meditation can help children to become more aware of their thoughts and emotions. Concentration meditation is a type of meditation where children focus on a specific object or sound.
There is also growing body of research indicating that meditation can be an effective intervention for anxiety in children. Meditation involves the practice of mindfulness, or moment-to-moment awareness, which can help children to become more aware of their thoughts and feelings and better able to manage them. A number of studies have found that meditation can decrease anxiety levels and improve coping skills in children.
Finally, meditation can strengthen bonds with the family. When it comes to finding inner peace, many people turn to meditation. By focusing on the breath and letting go of thoughts, meditators can achieve a sense of calm. In addition to providing individuals with a sense of peace, meditation can also help improve relationships within families. By teaching family members how to meditate, they can learn how to better communicate and connect with one another.
In conclusion, meditation can be a very beneficial tool for children. It can help them to focus and concentrate in school, to control their emotions, and to deal with stress. The benefits of meditation for children are numerous. Meditation can help children to cope with stress, anxiety and depression. It can also improve their concentration, memory and sleep quality. Moreover, meditation can boost the immune system and help children to develop a positive outlook on life. There are many types of meditation that can be beneficial for children. With so many different ways to meditate, there is sure to be a method that is perfect for every child. Try out a few different types of meditation with your child and see which ones they enjoy the most. Meditation can help children to relax, focus, and feel more calm.
If you are interested in teaching your child how to meditate, there are many resources available to help you get started.
Please also review AIHCP’s Meditation Instructor Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking to become a Meditation Instructor.
Additional Resources
“Mindfulness-Oriented Meditation for Primary School Children: Effects on Attention and Psychological Well-Being”. Cristiano Crescentini, Front. Psychol., 07 June 2016
Sec. Developmental Psychology. Access here
“Teaching Meditation to Children and Beginners” . Sumi Loundon. Insight Journal. Spring 2004. Access here
“The Basics of Meditation for Kids of Any Age”. Sarah Lindberg. September 29th, 2020. Healthline. Access here
“Science Shows Meditation Benefits Children’s Brains And Behavior”. Alice Walton. October 18th, 2016. Forbes. Access here