Like any death, sudden deaths cause extreme distress for people. Unexpected loss is always painful and can lead to complications. The same sudden loss of a beloved pet can be a horrible experience. If one’s dog is hit, or cat is killed, or horse breaks a leg, can be unexpected and painful moments in anyone’s life. Such sudden death should not be downplayed but respected and heard.

The article, “When death comes suddenly to a pet” by Katie Burns looks at the sudden death of a pet. She states,
“In other cases, a pet owner might have been managing a pet’s underlying condition, and the pet dies suddenly from a fatal progression of that condition. In Florida, other notable causes of sudden unexpected death—but not unexplained death—are drowning in pools and even death by alligator attack.”
To review the entire article, please click here
There are so many ways our beloved animals can die. If sudden, it can cause intense trauma and these feelings should not be kept in. Please also review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Support Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a certification in Pet Loss Grief Support.