ADHD can push one to constantly be on the move and never settled. Perfectionism and OCD hence naturally coincide with this disorder. Some individuals may exhibit extreme cases of perfectionism in what they do.

The article, “How to Cope with ADHD and Perfectionism” by Sharon Sallne looks at how self criticism can be controlled with those facing perfectionism and ADHD. She states,
“Do you set unrealistic goals for yourself, fret about disappointing others, and compare yourself negatively to those around you? If so, you are probably like many other people with ADHD who struggle with perfectionism.”
To read the entire article, please click here
For those who struggle with ADHD, this article may give some coping strategies and aids in dealing with perfectionism
Please also review AIHCP’s ADHD Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in ADHD Consulting.