Talking about one’s grief is an important process in healing. Individuals need to share grief and experiences with others to help heal. When individuals discuss grief they can hear themselves talk and receive feedback in regards to their emotions.

The article, “How to Talk About Your Grief” by Rachel Maier discusses how to better talk about one’s grief. She states,
“When you lose a child, it’s hard to express the oceanic depths of your heartache. I know this because I lost my child, too. Over time, I’ve gained perspective and learned how to talk about it. Talking about my loss was like lighting a lantern in a dark cave. It helped me escape the void of despair and begin to heal. Now, I’d like to help you do the same. Here are some tips to try, based on things I’ve learned while navigating how to talk about my loss.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also a review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Grief Counseling.