Many people who suffer pet loss are left without anyone to talk to. Many dismiss their grief. This type of disenfranchised grief is a common problem for pet owners. The need for good pet loss counseling is a necessary need for these individuals.

The power and impact of pet loss is best described in the article, “Disenfranchised grief: Why pet owners aren’t allowed to mourn” by Julie Mullins looks at disenfranchised grief of pet owners who lose a pet. The article states,
“Put simply, the human-animal bond is unique. Pet owners experience unconditional love emanating from their companion animal; without judgment, and full of complete acceptance. Many clients and staff can be heard uttering, “I like animals more than people,” as they walk around the hospital (if you haven’t heard it, maybe you have said it). Clients and staff alike refer to these animals as “fur babies.” With more and more clients living alone, these fur babies play an even more important role in their owner’s life.”
To review the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional needs. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Pet Loss Grief Counseling.