Working out is important but learning to work out correctly is equally important. Many injuries occur when individuals push themselves too hard or utilize improper technique. In order to stay in shape, it is important to stay healthy and staying healthy requires proper stretching and following proper technique

The article, “These are the most common exercise injuries and how to avoid them” by Mercey Livingston looks at the most common types of injuries following or during exercise. She states,
“While everyone’s specific injuries are individual, in general, there are a few places that people injure most often when working out. “Back, knee and shoulder injuries are the most common I deal with in the fitness population,” says Liz Letchford, a certified personal trainer and injury rehabilitation specialist. The most common cause of injury, according to Letchford, is increasing the intensity of the exercise too quickly.”
To read the entire article, please click here
A certified Health Care Life Coach or a professional trainer can help one avoid the many pitfalls of improper training and exercise technique. AIHCP offers a four year certification in Health Care Life Coaching for qualified professionals. The program is online and independent study. If interested, please review and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.