Substance Abuse Counseling Certification Article on Characteristics of Addiction

Addiction is a serious issue in society.  Addiction tears apart families and destroys relationships.  Knowing that one is addicted is the first step to recovery.

It is usually very self apparent if one is addicted, but there are questions and measurements to evaluate if one is addicted.  Substance Abuse Counselors can go through a series of questions to determine if someone is addicted.

There are many questions to determine an addiction problem. Please also review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Counseling Certification Program


The article, “How Addiction Is Diagnosed” by Chrystine Wagner takes a closer look at addiction and what the dictates if one is addicted.  She states,

“Since addiction is often a self-diagnosed condition, recognizing or deciding you may be struggling with an addiction is often one of the biggest challenges in recovery. Everyone who has an addiction comes to that recognition in different ways.  Questions to ask yourself if you think you may have an addiction include…”

To read the entire article, please click here

The most common elements are over indulgence and the inability to stop.  Other factors to consider include loss of time for other things, broken relationships, loss wages and jobs, and excessive time and spending on the habit.

To learn more about addiction, please review AIHCP’s Substance Abuse Counseling Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Substance Abuse Counseling.