Losing a mother is one of the greatest losses anyone can imagine. Either parent is difficult for any well adjusted person. The loss of a parent is painful regardless of circumstances. Some may lose a parent earlier in life, or tragically and this all leads to possible complications in the grieving cycle, but whether one loses a parent suddenly or one is prepared, the loss is still immense and leaves a hole in one’s heart. There is no recovery only adjustment.

The article, “Finding Freedom From Grief” by Olivia Scott looks at the pains of losing a parent and how it s a critical journey for everyone in their development when the eventual day occurs. She states,
“Losing your mother leaves a void in your heart and life which is never filled. No matter your age at the time of her death. I know this, because I lost my mother in 2002. I was 28.”
She goes on to continue with her story and the pain she faced and the lessons she learned as she grieved her mother. It brought to her many conclusions about life but also about life after your mother is gone. The horrible feelings of being “motherless” and also new ideas of being a mother and not being there for one’s daughter. To read the entire article, please click here
Grief and loss are hard adjustments when losing a mother. As the article points out, treasure the moments you have with your mother and parents while they are alive. Do not take any time for granted and enjoy their presence and guidance. There will come a time, we must all face, when we no longer have them in this life and that thought is terrible enough.
Please also review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Training and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four certification in Grief Counseling