2020 was one of the most stressful years for anyone. Being able to cope with the stress of the past year and incorporate stress management strategies for 2021 is critical to good physical, emotional and mental health. Everyone for 2021 should take a big interest in managing stress and learning to cope with the challenges 2021 will bring as we come upon new political and social obstacles to national unity and a pandemic that continues to kill.

The article, “Soothing Anxiety and Stress: Advice From the Year in Well” by Till Lauer from the New York Times looks at a series of articles written through 2020 to help one find better peace and stress management in 2021. The article states,
“For many of us, 2020 was an exceptionally stressful year, dominated by fears about the coronavirus pandemic. Even with the vaccine on the horizon, we’re likely to need some stress management strategies to carry us into 2021. ”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Program and see if matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Stress Management Consulting.