Kids and teens with ADHD can low self imaging. The ADHD can contribute to the low self image. It is important for parents to understand ADHD and also know how to help the child reshape his or her image. Building confidence in ADHD kids is an important task of the parent and will lead to better adult behaviors.

The article, “Q: My Teen Thinks His ADHD Makes Him ‘Worthless.’” by Sharon Saline reviews how parents can help their children with better imaging while coping with ADHD. She states,
“To help him build self-worth, confidence, and resiliency, notice and validate any efforts your teen is making toward anything, whether in school, with friends, with hobbies, or when at home. Help him notice the positive events and small victories in his days. Beginning to focus on the positive can help your teen feel like he’s in control, especially at a time when so much change is outside of our control.”
To review the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s ADHD Consulting Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in ADHD Consulting.