Holiday stress can be difficult to cope with but fortunately there are many ways to alleviate stress. One overlooked way is the Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT. EFT through tapping the meridian points and consciously repeating the issue, helps move negative energy throughout the body. It makes one calmer and more focused.

The article, “How To Use The EFT/Tapping Technique To Ease Holiday Stress” by Marianna Giokas looks at how EFT works and how it can help you. She states,
“Whether you are feeling sad, angry, or guilty, try to connect with that emotion and identify its cause. For example, you might be feeling sad because you cannot be with your family for the holidays. As you start tapping on this problem, be as specific as possible when you describe the reason you feel sad.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s EFT Certification Program. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking certification. The program is also open to those just seeking to learn EFT in their personal use to cope with stress. During the holidays, this type of coping strategy can produce real and great results.