Making sense of suicide is difficult. Loved ones who lose family to suicide suffer immensely in the days and months and years after. Questions swirl around their minds. What could one have done better, or why did one say this or that, or why was one not paying attention to the signs.

Regret, guilt and intense grief can follow. The very fact that suicide is a taboo subject can also intensify the grieving process. Suicide grief hence has all the prerequisites and ingredients for a possible complication emotionally for the family.
The article, “Making sense of suicide grief” by Susan Quenelle looks deeper at suicide grief for family members trying to make sense out of the senselessness. She states,
“September is National Suicide Prevention Month. This designation helps to serve as a reminder to all of us of the many people who struggle with emotional issues on an ongoing basis. But another related area of concern is those who are left behind after someone has committed suicide.”
Those left behind suffer the most and it is important to help them understand their grief. To read the entire article, please click here
To learn more skills to help others through the process of losing a loved one to suicide, then please review AIHCP’s Grief Counseling Certification