With so many articles and so much information on meditation saturating the market, it is pretty much well known that meditation can help with almost anything. Meditation then of no surprise can also help with better sleep habits. Sleep is essential to good health and meditation can help one find better optimal health.

The article, “A Guide to Sleep and Meditation” by Josh Hurst looks deeper into meditation and how it can help with sleep. He states,
“While there are varying medications and traditional therapies available to treat this disorder, a natural remedy worth trying is meditation. Scientific studies have confirmed that the right meditation practices can be effective treatments for stress-induced insomnia. In this guide, we cover a few options.”
The article goes on to list numerous ways how meditation can help with sleep and how to find better sleeping habits. To read the entire article, please click here
Sleep is so critical to good health and good overall daily performance in life. Meditation and other alternative therapies can help one find the sleep they so desperately need. Please also review AIHCP’s Meditation Instructor Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.