Travel can be exhausting and stressful. Frustration is easy to emerge. Traveling during the pandemic can be especially stressful with all the risks. Being able to control anger and manage frustration is key. Sometimes, a simple smile can help and a little of patience.

The article, “Travel Rage in a Time of a Pandemics :How smiling can defuse a situation?” by Dr. Peter Tarlow looks at travel rage. He states,
“During the last decade, tourism officials have noted the evolution of various types of anger among those in the general public and especially among those in the traveling public. This anger first became apparent in the form of road rage then became air-rage, morphed into full-blown travel rage, with verbal anger at times turning into physical violence. Now in a time of the pandemic, with the public never sure about what is and will be open or closed, we face the newest form of rage: “Travel Pandemic Rage”.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Anger and travel will always exist but with global issues and pandemic, the easy spread of frustration to anger from travelers to employees can grow. It is important to remain calm, remain patient and work with others. Please also review AIHCP’s Anger Management Consultant Training and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.