Adult ADHD can be a challenge. Learning to cope and utilize what best works for you is key. Understanding ADHD and how it personally affects you is also key. Through strategies and coping skills, along with guidance, adults can navigate the effects of ADHD and live productive lives.

The article, “Adult ADHD: Finding Coping Strategies That Work for You” by Russell Ramsey looks into better ways to control ADHD symptoms. He states,
“There are no trade secrets about how to cope with ADHD — the use of a daily planning system, organization skills, to-do lists, breaking down large tasks into smaller steps — we all know what works. Thus, a first hurdle to get over is a common client reaction to the fact that these coping strategies will be a part of treatment, often voiced as, “I know what I need to do, but I just don’t do it” or “I’ve tried all of those things and they don’t work for me.”
To read the entire article on coping with ADHD, please click here
Please feel free to also review AIHCP’s ADHD Consulting Training Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The ADHD Consulting Program is online and independent study leading to a four year certification.