Business men and women deal with a high level of stress. Anyone in the work force deals with some type of stress. Individuals need to be able to deal and cope with stress in a positive way to continue operating at a high and effective level. This involves stress management techniques to help the person stay at the top of his or her game.

The article, “How To Develop Effective Stress Management Techniques” by Brian Tate looks at how stress management can help individuals cope with stress and be successful. He states,
“There are various roots of stress, known commonly as stressors, which act as trigger points to activate it in the body. For instance, a person can find him or herself stuck in a stressful situation during decision-making, a presentation, the death of someone or any health problem. The effect of stress on the body results in a lack of sleep, irritation, constant agitation and other health problem”
To read the entire article, please click here
Stress needs to be controlled and properly coped with for success. It is important to implement good stress management strategies. If your looking to learn more about stress or would like to help others manage their stress, then please review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Program