Crisis and tension can cause stress. At the national level when pandemics or crisis strikes, many individuals are forced into solitude and quarantine. This move to save the many however is not always the best for the few. Those who suffer from depression, anxiety or substance abuse can face greater challenges in seclusion.

Addiction has more power over individuals who cannot find their support systems. Without support, many are not strong enough yet to overcome and curb the desires and physical urges to the addiction. This addiction can be anything. It can be a substance, or even a need. Solitude forces one to wrestle with oneself and inner demons. If one adds the external crisis of a pandemic or national crisis to an internal struggle, then many without support relapse into bad habits.
Many need the distraction from the external or social issue and find peace in old unhealthy habits. Without better coping strategies, one can fall victim to these desires and needs. Many of the coping strategies were in the external world and many find a hard time finding alternative coping strategies at home alone.
This is why it is important to find coping strategies at home. Hobbies are a great place for many. Reading, work at home as well, while others look to meditation and prayer, but ultimately, many need that support. Fortunately with social media, it is easier to stay into contact. Zoom meetings, chat rooms, and online support groups are available. Furthermore, many counseling sessions now can be completed over the phone.
These social platforms help those addicted hear the outside world while trapped at home. It is critical to help individuals who face these issues and share the ray of hope they need. Many do not have hobbies, or other ways to distract their minds and social media and telecounseling may be the only way they can find the guidance and support they need.
Crisis itself is stressful enough for many people facing pandemics, but it is even more difficult for those who are already waging a war internally with themselves.
To learn more about Substance Abuse Counseling and Crisis Counseling, qualified professionals can review the programs at AIHCP. The programs are designed for working professionals and are completely online. Qualified professionals can earn a four year certification by completing the required online courses in Crisis Intervention or Substance Abuse Counseling.
In the meantime, helping those who need social support is a key element in the behavioral health sectors. Individuals whether depressed or addicted, need the help to cope and not only defeat the external crisis but also their own inner issues.

Crisis Intervention is a key skill set by counselors to help individuals face stress and national and personal emergencies. Crisis counselors help individuals return to a pre-crisis level. Helping individuals find sanity in chaos and able to cope is a key element in crisis. Crisis counselors help not only external issues but also internal crisis and hence crisis counseling is closely related also with substance abuse counseling.