On many occasions driven individuals reach an emotional dead end. They can no longer proceed forward and became mentally fatigued. This is referred to as burn out. When an individual burns out they no longer feel the drive or energy to keep doing what they had been doing. This type of burn out can be triggered by a host of things. Usually it is due to putting too much on one’s shoulders and agenda to carry. It then takes easily one thing to make the entire body crumble under the stress. Some question is this type of burnout a type of depression?

The article, “Is Burnout Actually a Form of Depression? by Grant Brenner looks at how individuals can balance work and life without dismissing the possibility of clinical depression. He states,
“The distinction between burnout and depression is blurry, distracted by impassioned debate. The World Health Organization presents depression and burnout as serious problems — one as a medical illness, and the other as the result of professional factors. Yet they are similar, and depression has been around much longer.”
To read the entire article, please click here
It is very important to understand one’s mental, emotional and physical barriers. In acknowledging limitations, one can prevent possible burnout or depression. Please also review our Grief Counseling Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.