Holistic medicine is considered by some to be taboo while many others find its benefits to be extraordinary. There should be a healthy balance in utilizing various holistic medicines and avoiding others. Some may be snake oil in disguise while other uses may have true traditional and successful uses.
Holistic medicine in itself seeks to treat the entirety of the human person. It looks at mind, body and spirit. Holistic practitioners believe that optimal health is through balance. The body has many inter dependent parts. If one part of the body is imbalanced, then that can cause multiple health issues. (1)
Holistic medicine in many ways is a life style. It involves eating properly, utilizing herbs and other practices to achieve ultimate balance. Some of the remedies are long term or preventative while others over time can help cure disease. Ultimately, Holistic medicine believes all people have innate healing abilities and that over time one can find healing through a variety of treatments that treat the totality of the body. Holistic medicine does not just look to alleviate symptoms but to also find a cure. (2)
Holistic practitioner look to change the over life style of their patients. They emphasize patient education, exercise and change of diet. They also emphasize utilization of complimentary alternative practices such as acupuncture, massage therapy, chiropractic, homeopathy and naturopathy. (3)
In essence, Holistic practitioners look to help their patients by unlocking healing and restoring balance. Optimal health is more than just the absence of sickness but a true search for the best lifestyle at every mental, physical and spiritual level. (4)
This is why holistic lifestyles are a acquired habit. They are not fads that come and go but are a commitment to health. It involves a serious understanding of diet and how herbs and various foods affect the body. Food and healthy eating is so critical to health. The diets of many Americans exist on fast food. Bad foods drain the body and lead to sickness.
In addition to better diet, exercise is critical. Strengthening weaknesses and giving the body the exercise it needs is essential to good health. Through good diet and exercise, one can begin to find the balance they need. Sickness, however, can still occur. This is where understanding proper diet for a particular sickness is essential.
Does this mean, one should abandon more acute methods and symptom relieving medications of the West? Absolutely not. In fact, many Holistic practitioners work with other medical providers or are educated in both fields. They see the importance of complementing alternative and Western procedures and medications together.
Many individuals are diagnosed with life threatening diseases. It is important to consult Western professionals but to also utilize the guidance of alternative medications. Many lose hope and turn to only alternative practices, but a wise practitioner will compliment both. A Holistic Nurse Specialist has the capability to help guide a patient to proper alternative medications. A Holistic Nurse Specialist understands how alternative medications and practices interact with Western medicine. They can be an excellent guide in between the doctor visits.
This is not to say one should rebuke the guidance of the primary physician but should keep him informed of any alternative or holistic medications. This ensures ones overall safety and ensures that the individual may be able to utilize all beneficial practices. Many doctors and primary physicians are becoming more and more in tune with holistic practices and can offer advice and guidance.
While holistic medication is about long term life health choices and better life styles, it is not a quick fix. While it can help the body overcome and heal itself, it is not always a guarantee. Prevention and long term healing are usually the outcomes. It involves a commitment by the patient to change and alter life styles for a long and healthy life.
When someone is terminal or facing a possible life altering illness, a person utilizing holistic practices needs to understand that his or her long term health is connected with a new life style. A life style that is committed to certain exercise, diet and types of food. When this is accepted, possible healing can occur. Many times it depends on the severity of the illness and how far along one has dealt with it. Some cases can be reversed through healthy living and working with a primary physician.
The American Institute of Health Care Professionals acknowledges the importance of Holistic alternatives. It understands that Holistic practices are key to overall health. This is why the American Institute of Health Care Professionals is committed to so many alternative programs. Ranging from Hypnotherapy to Emotional Freedom Techniques, the Institute realizes the power of the body to heal itself. Medication is more than just Western concepts but a totality of human experience. Alternative as well conventional methods when used under guidance can be effective in treatments.
The Holistic Nursing Specialist Program offered by the American Institute of Health Care Professionals offers a chance for nurses and other healthcare professionals to earn a certification in Holistic practices. As a Holistic Specialist, one can help patients explore the many alternative herbs and medications. A Holistic Healthcare Specialist can ensure that alternative practices are utilized in a safe fashion.
This is important because some practices, herbs or medications may contradict each other. One should never delve into the medications without professional guidance. Holistic and alternative medications are no exception. It is hence critical to consult professional opinion and guidance to any health plan one may embark upon. Certified Holistic Healthcare Specialists can be that guiding hand.
The certification for Holistic Integrative Nurse Specialist can help professionals earn a certification to help others utilize alternative practices safely. The program is online and offers core courses within the discipline of Holistic Health. After completing the core courses, the professional applies for a four year certification. The certification can be renewed. The program is independent study and is an excellent format for working professionals to achieve certification.
The certification will give a healthcare professional the needed knowledge and expertise within the field of Holistic practices. The first three courses deal completely with issues surrounding Holistic medicine and health and the other courses deal with spiritual and emotional wellness.
If you are a nurse or healthcare professional and would like to learn more about AIHCP’s Integrative Holistic Healthcare Specialist Program then please review and see if it matches your academic and professional goals.