Grief is a process. It takes time to adapt and adjust to loss. Refusing to do grief work can lead to later complicated grief.

This is not to say that one overcomes the sense of loss, but it does teach us that we can adjust and live life if we properly work through grief.
The article, “Live Well: Are you willing to dance with your painful partner named Grief?” by Jennifer Mulson states,
“This is about the time people often check out and begin to numb themselves through any manner of methods — food, alcohol, drugs — or preoccupy themselves so they don’t have to feel anything. But really, this is the moment to step into the emotions and feel them fully, even though it might feel as if you’ll be swept under a current of pain and never resurface.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Also, please review our Grief Counseling Training Program and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.