Good article on the secondary effects of losing a loved one. Many of these hardships, trials and griefs involve loss of income and loss of everyday customs of daily life. Financial burdens are especially hard for widows who did not work and now must deal with an assortment of bills and financial burdens. These are only but an example of the many pains that come with a primary loss of a loved one.

The article, “Financial grief: When death isn’t the end of pain: by Billy Rute states,
“WHEN a loved one dies, the heartache is brutal enough, but many families find their grief compounded by the actions of banks and financial institutions.”
To read the entire article, please click here
This article clearly portrays the pain many go through financially. Secondary losses are clearly an issue for anyone moving on. They can be financial, or even day to day. The widower in many cases becomes more domestic, dealing with laundry or cooking for the first time. Please also review our Bereavement Counseling Training and see if it matches your academic and professional needs.