Good article on issues regarding private hospital nurses and a higher rate of malpractices. Malpractice can be a serious issue for any nurse. Legal Nurse Consultants can help nurses overcome false claims, or even help victims find justice at the hands of poor care

Many times nurses can protect themselves by properly charting and documenting. The article below discusses private hospital nurses and stats of malpractice against them.
The article, “Private hospitals face nursing malpractice havoc” by Masutane Modjadji states,
“According to the latest study, from Stellenbosch University’s Faculty of Medicines and Health Sciences, this has resulted in a rise in civil claims settlements with many amounting to payouts of millions of rand. The study also found that the costs of these claims are passed onto consumers.”
To read the entire article, please click here
If you would like to learn more about malpractice or learn more about Legal Nurse Consulting then please review the program at AIHCP. AIHCP offers a complete online program for nurses seeking certification in this field.