Child and Adolescent Grief Counseling Program Article on Teaching Children About Death

Good article about being honest with children about death.  Each age has a certain ability to understand death and the information given should correspond with the maturity of the child to comprehend.   The importance of discussing death with the child when it occurs is very important though and in some cases can provide critical life lessons to the child’s emotional and mental growth in experiencing death in his or her life.

The article, “Tell Your Children The Honest Truth About Death And Dying” by Shannon Burberry states

“Death is difficult for anyone to grasp, but it’s especially hard for children to understand. They will often ask “when is the person coming back?” or “when will we see them again?” It is my firm belief that honesty is the best policy, and it is important to be direct about what has happened.”

To read the entire article, please click here

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