Pastoral Thanatology Article on Discussing End of Life Issuea

Good article on the importance of not waiting to the last second to discuss death and death wishes.  It is not as morbid as one would think but smart and in all reality a healthy acceptance of life itself.  By accepting death, we can live life to its most fullest.

The article, “Don’t wait: Now’s the time to discuss end-of-life care” by Robert Powell states,

“Half of Americans say people in the U.S. have too little control over their end-of-life medical decisions, according to recent Kaiser Family Foundation/Economist survey.

Given that, what might Americans do to make sure they have control over their end-of-life medical decisions?”

To read the entire article, please click here

If you would like to learn more about care of the dying or would like to become certified in Pastoral Thanatology then please review the program


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