Getting Older: How Men Can Increase Their Energy in Their Everyday Life

Getting Older: How Men Can Increase Their Energy in Their Everyday Life

No one should ever feel as if ongoing fatigue is a simple fact of growing older. While workouts may become less rigorous and naps become appealing each afternoon, there are some basics steps that men can take to up their energy levels no matter their age.

Rule Out Major Health Problems
The first and most important step for those that are struggling with low energy levels is to have a full checkup with their primary healthcare provider. There are a myriad of health issues that could be causing fatigue ranging from vitamin deficiencies to pre-diabetes. It is vital to continue getting physicals at least once a year before moving onto other options.

Improve Your Heart Health
Any major issues with one’s heart will instantly sap strength and energy due to poor circulation. One of the best ways to improve heart health is to begin taking omega-3 oils as a daily supplement. This oils are derived from fish products and countless studies have shown them to improve alertness, energy levels, and one’s mood.

Stay Hydrated
When the body becomes dehydrated it will begin to go into shock. While the symptoms are not always immediately noticeable, it will begin to take its toll on one’s energy and stamina. Drinking enough water and other fluids will prevent the body from forcibly conserving energy as it attempts to stave off permanent damage from dehydration.

Get Your Hormone Levels Tested
As men become older their body will naturally begin to produce fewer hormones or create an imbalance in hormones. According to Genemedics Health Institute, this is one of the primary causes of fatigue in elderly men, but there are options out there to prevent this decline. Many now turn to hormone replacement therapy to stave off chronic fatigue as well as improve one’s overall strength.

Find Your Circadian Rhythm
Every human has a slightly different circadian rhythm, or the natural ebb and flow of one’s energy. While humans can slightly alter their circadian rhythm by changing their sleep schedule, some men simply need to become more in tune with their body’s own needs. Those that have peaks of energy at certain points of the day should attempt to schedule physical activity or strenuous work during this period.

Eat Smaller Meals More Often
An imbalance in blood sugar is often the culprit for those that have become chronically fatigued or only have short spurts of energy. Studies have shown that consuming smaller meals at shorter intervals could help those with blood sugar issues. It is also important to avoid processed sugars that will spike one’s energy levels before bottoming out.

Chronic fatigue and a lack of energy is one medical condition that no one should accept without a fight. By focusing on one’s overall health, men can maintain higher levels of energy no matter their age.


My name is Lizzie Weakley and I am a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. I went to college at The Ohio State University where I studied communications. I enjoy the outdoors and long walks in the park with my 3-year-old husky Snowball.



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