Education in Grief Counseling: A sobering book that explores the pain and grief caused by abortion

Education For Grief Counseling

American Institute Health Care Professionals’ insight:

As polarizing as abortion is, the fact still remains, women feel grief and pain afterwards.  A good article on that grief from a woman who experienced it firsthand.

If you are looking for education in grief counseling, please review our program.  The program covers basic core concepts that are found in four base courses.  After completion of the course, qualified professionals can apply for certification.  The education in grief counseling learned at AIHCP then can help a person help others in grief.


If you are interested in grief counseling, then click here 

Please consider becoming certified in grief counseling.  As a certified grief counselor one can enhance their professional and academic career.  One can also become an important element to the community within their field.  Those in nursing, counseling, social work and hospice find grief certifications to be very helpful in their area of work.

In the meantime, thank you for your interest and please if you have any questions, let us know

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