Spiritual Renewal Before the Bread of Presence and Also Become Certified in Christian Counseling

Christian Counseling Those to Peace Via the Bread of Presence

The prayer of the quiet as taught by St. Teresa encourages us to find a place of solitude and silence to meditate upon God.  In some cases, this spiritual “retreat” is a perfect time to escape the world, heal old wounds, and become strengthened.  Christian Counselors should encourage those who are suffering mentally to find this solitude before the presence of the Holy Eucharist.  In Exodus 25:30, this is called the Bread of Presence.  Later through Christ’s institution of the Eucharist, the ideal of the Bread of Presence became literally the Body of and Blood of Christ as he resides in churches across the world.
This humble act of Christ to allow himself to become contained under the physical appearance of bread is a great gift and source of strength for us.   Just not to consume but to sit before in awe and wonder.  Consider giving our Lord an hour, as he asked of his apostles, in meditative thought before the Eucharist.  Allow it to saturate your being with grace and love.
This spiritual renewal and healing can be yours as was prophesied in the Book of Exodus and later instituted by Christ.
If you are interested in Christian Counseling Courses, please review the program. By completing the core Christian Counseling Courses, one can become certified in Christian Counseling.   Those who become certified in Christian Counseling must renew every three years.

Mark Moran, MA