Crisis Intervention and Teen Suicide

Crisis Intervention Can Prevent Future Suicides

The importance of acute and immediate counseling on traumatic scenes of grief are essential in preventing further damage.  Crisis intervention hopes to lower the immediate trauma and to start the process of mourning in a healthy and safe fashion.  Crisis Intervention is also needed for teens who have contemplated suicide. writes in “CDC: Teen Suicide Attempts on the Rise” about the alarming increase of teen suicide attempts.  This only reiterates the importance of good crisis counseling.
Scary statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  released Thursday revealed that the number of attempted suicides among teenagers  had increased from 6.3 percent in 2009 to 7.8 percent in 2011.
The information comes from the CDC’s 2011 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey  (YRBS), a report designed to find health-risk behaviors among youth and young  adults related to injury and violence, sexual behaviors, alcohol, and drugs.   Along with the increase in attempted suicides, the survey also showed an  increase in teens texting behind the wheel along with an increase in marijuana  use.
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Crisis Intervention Counseling can help prevent future suicides.   If you know anyone who has suicidal thoughts please get them help!   Crisis intervention is needed.   You might just be saving a life.   Please review our program and click here