When someone loses a pet, many dismiss it as not important. This type of disenfranchisement is common for grievers over pet loss. They are made to feel as if their loss is minimal and not identical to the loss of a human being. It is important to dismiss this type of shaming and recognize the reality of grief. Attachment to a pet can be very strong and the pain is very real. The grief of those who lose pets should be recognized and respected. Please also review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Support Certification

The article, “Nobody Can Tell You How to Feel After Losing a Pet” by Lianna Bass defends the emotions of pet owners who lose a pet. She states,
“There comes a time in every pet owner’s life when you have to say your final goodbye—and, suddenly, the limitless source of love from your furry friend is just…gone. When that happens it can be absolutely devastating. For some people the death of a pet can feel even harder than losing a human loved one. We may not openly talk about pet grief in polite society, but most pet owners know that a pet isn’t just an animal. They’re also a beloved member of the family and a huge source of unconditional love, affection, and comfort.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Support Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Pet Loss Grief Support.