The suffering and loss experienced by the Blessed Virgin on Good Friday is beyond the grief any mother should ever endure. She suffered a spiritual martyrdom as her Son was crucified for the sins of the world.

Please also review our Grief Christian Counseling Training
The grief of Mary and Jesus and Christ’s death are remembered during Good Friday and remind us the power of sacrifice. Jesus was able to turn death into life and grief into joy. This teaches the Christian to endure hardships and trials and offer them to the Father through our high priest, Jesus Christ.
Mary’s grief and loss also have immense value. She offered her pain to Jesus and through her intimate suffering with him played a key role in our salvation. Mary was not the source of our salvation, but her suffering and offering of her Son was pivotal in our redemption.
Eve played a critical role in our fall but was not the reason, like so, Mary, the New Eve, plays a critical role in our salvation. She reflects and plays the role of Eve, as Christ is our new Adam.
In this, as Christians, while we reflect on the sorrows of Christ, we can also in good faith, reflect on the sorrows of His mother. By doing so, all is reflected to Christ, as we meditate on the sufferings of mother and Son, New Eve and New Adam, immaculate and sacred hearts of both Jesus and Mary
Please also review our Grief Christian Counseling Program and see if it matches the needs of your ministry in Christian Counseling those in grief.