6 Key Techniques for Managing Stress in Healthcare Professionals

stressed doctorWritten by Veronica Turner.

The healthcare profession is one of the most challenging to work in, mainly because of the stress of the tasks. These professionals work with all kinds of different patients, especially those suffering from illnesses such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Those working in the healthcare profession should be highly commended for working in environments that are stressful and can also be physically and mentally taxing.

In this guide, we will examine six ways to manage stress while working in a healthcare environment. Let’s dive right in and discuss these techniques, which you can implement starting today.


  1. Ongoing Training Programs

First, it’s always essential to ensure that healthcare professionals can undergo continuous education and professional development. This can also be helpful when it comes to alleviating any stress that comes with the work that you do.

For those who work as certified dementia practitioners, there is plenty of ongoing training at Wilf Care  – ensuring that not only professionals are competent in handling the tasks of caring for dementia patients but also making sure that they get the assistance and support they need when they are working with patients dealing with some of the most challenging conditions they have ever dealt with in their lifetime.


  1. Mindfulness Practice

One of the best tools for combating stress, regardless of your environment, is mindfulness. Mindfulness means paying full attention to what’s going on at the present moment without any judgment. Mindfulness practice reduces stress and improves overall mental well-being and focus. It’s easy to practice mindfulness.

You can do breathing exercises where you take slow and deep breaths. Not only will this be beneficial in calming the nervous system, but you will also feel less stressed. Even better, you can do these anytime and any place. If you have a few minutes, find a quiet place and do one of these mindfulness exercises.


  1. Time Management Strategies

It’s vital to ensure you manage your time effectively as you juggle multiple responsibilities and essential skills as a healthcare professional. By prioritizing critical tasks and managing your time efficiently, you will be less stressed and have more productivity. If priority tasks must be completed as soon as possible, take care of those first. At the same time, delegating any non-critical functions to anyone with the skills and competency to complete them for you is essential. This will ensure that you have more free time to focus on the other priorities before you during the day.

Finally, don’t forget to establish clear boundaries between your work and personal life. One of the main benefits of this is reducing the amount of burnout that could occur.

Be sure to schedule breaks and time off so you can maintain your overall mental health rather than endangering it, which can also lead to physical health issues.


  1. Peer Support Groups

One critical thing to have in any professional industry, especially healthcare, is a peer support group. If there is no specialized support group for healthcare professionals, consider forming one for your coworkers.

This will allow people to share experiences, say what’s on their minds, and learn from others in a safe space. Just know that you are not alone regarding healthcare professionals’ struggles regularly.

This will not only provide emotional support but also ensure professional growth among your fellow healthcare professionals. It’s always best for healthcare professionals to learn from each other and grow personally and professionally.


  1. Physical Activity

If you think you might need more time to engage in physical activity such as exercise, you’d be surprised once you can get the time management strategies we’ve mentioned earlier down pat.

With this in mind, exercise is known for releasing endorphins, so they can boost your mood instead of dragging it down. Be sure to engage in exercise routines that will benefit you regarding a consistent exercise routine. You can go to the gym for a workout session, jog around your neighborhood, or even do yoga at home.

You can take advantage of your short breaks during the workday to stretch or walk. These can be excellent for improving your focus and reducing your stress levels. To take it one step further, activities such as Tai Chi and yoga are excellent for you physically and mentally.

Physical activity will not only keep you healthy mentally, but also physically. It’s important to remember that regular physical activity is part of the battle of living healthy. Eating right is the other part. We’ll discuss a bit more about that in our final technique that we’ll talk about.


  1. Practice Self-Care

Finally, it would be best if you were reminded regularly that self-care practice is essential. Not only will the reward be excellent overall well-being, but you will also be preventing the risk of burnout.

Taking care of yourself should always be a priority, no matter what. Make sure you eat healthy using a balanced diet such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to have excellent energy levels and better overall health. Likewise, consider getting a restful night’s sleep to stabilize your emotions and improve your cognitive functions.

Finally, during your off days, you want to perform activities that are relaxing and less stressful. Consider reading a book, listening to your favorite music, or even surrounding yourself with nature, such as going for a walk or hiking near home.

Of course, you can also journal about your thoughts as well. It can be excellent in terms of self-care. At the same time, you should also confide in friends or family members if you ever feel the need to talk to someone – whether it’s something bothering you or if you just want to talk about your day.


Final Thoughts

As healthcare professionals, we are exposed to stressful situations every single day. It’s always going to be a challenging day for many. However, these six techniques for managing stress will be your best friends. Bookmark this to refer back to it if you need to utilize these techniques in the future.


Author Bio: Veronica Turner is a health and lifestyle writer with over 10 years of experience. She creates compelling content on nutrition, fitness, mental health, and overall wellness.


Please also review AIHCP’s Stress Management Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals.  These programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification.