Mental Health Priority Video

Mental Health takes a second seat to physical health because it unseen and also sometimes seen a weakness.  Connect social stigma and labeling of “crazy” to mental health and you have a situation where many neglect their mental health all together.  It is important to be aware of mental health, the types of disorders, and how they affect everyday life.  It is also important to enlighten the population that many normal people suffer from a myriad of minor disorders that can be easily treated.  When mental health is not treated, then issues related to anything health wise can become worst.  This country is dealing with a major mental health crisis and it is very important to bring light to it and focus on encouraging people to treat their mental health like their physical health.

Mental health is as important as physical health. Please review AIHCP’s mental health certifications


Please also review AIHCP’s numerous mental health certifications such as Grief Counseling, Anger Management, Stress Management, Spiritual Counseling, Crisis Intervention and Meditation.  The programs are online and independent study and open to qualified professionals.  Not all professionals in mental health are licensed and numerous minor issues do not require clinical care, but these certifications also serve licensed care givers who wish to enhance their resume as well.  Please review AIHCP’s numerous mental health certifications and see if they meet your academic and professional goals.

Please review the video below as well