Holistic approaches to health include an entire mind and body approach. These approaches look for less intrusive ways to resolve health issues both acute and chronic. Holistic psychotherapy is another type of holistic care that looks to help individuals overcome trauma and anxiety

The article, “What Is Holistic Psychotherapy?” by Ashley Olivine looks closer at the nature of Holistic psychotherapy and how it works. She states,
“Holistic psychotherapy is a type of talk therapy that is based on the ideas of holistic psychology that the biological, psychological, and sociocultural components of each person come together to form the whole person. With this approach, all areas of a person and their life are considered and treated together. The idea behind this humanistic approach is that the individual pieces that make up each person cannot be separated. The holistic mind-body relationship includes the physical body interacting with the external environment, and the role of the brain in processing and interacting with the physical body and external environment.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s Holistic and Integrative Specialist Program. Qualified nurses and healthcare professionals can earn a four year certification by completing the required independent study courses. The program is online and open enrollment.