Putting a dog, cat, horse, or any pet down is a painful decision. It is something that takes much thought and love in regards to the pets condition and also one’s own anguish. It is definitely not one of life’s happiest moments but in those moments, we find our true love for each other in the final goodbye. The goodbyes used to be very sterile and informal. The dog or cat was taken back never to be seen again. Fortunately, now one can stand side by side or even receive the ashes of a loved pet. Even so, now euthanasia is offered at home in some cases. This is a difficult decision but may also be a more comforting one for many.

The article, “At-home euthanasia can provide comfort to pets and owners” by Kathryn Streeter looks closer at how a pet owner can utilize home euthanasia for one’s beloved pet. She states,
“Psychotherapist and thanatologist Andrea Warnick has experienced both clinic and at-home euthanasia when her cats were terminally ill. “I think [at-home euthanasia] is a wonderful option because at this point a pet is pretty sick, and actually transporting them to a vet’s office can be anxiety-provoking and uncomfortable,” says Warnick, whose practice in Canada, Andrea Warnick Consulting, focuses on supporting grieving children, youths and adults.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s Pet Loss Grief Support Certification and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Pet Loss Grief Support.