Case Managers can play a key role in helping cancer patients with a variety of different issues discover proper routes in care and recovery. Case Management is essential to collection of information and properly using that information for the overall benefit and health of the patient. It is extremely important in the case of cancer cases.

The article, “Health Disparities in Cancer Care” by Marissa Fors from Oncology Nursing News looks closer at issues that vary in quality of cancer care from one person to another. The article states,
“Cancer patients face many obstacles to care, including financial, psychosocial, and practical barriers. Health disparities also prevent patients from receiving optimal treatment. In order to be an effective case manager, health care professionals must have a clear understanding of the definition of this role, the overall benefits of case management, and how to assess patients’ needs. The priority must be to put the patient first in order to improve outcomes. Addressing inequities in access to care is essential to adequately enhance a patient’s wellbeing.”
To read the entire article, please click
Please also review AIHCP’s Case Management Training Program and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Case Management