With numerous clashes with police and individuals with mental illness, society is calling for great accountability from law enforcement in how the mentally ill are handled during arrests. A few options include better psychological training for officers as well as crisis intervention courses. Another option is also including certain calls to be answered by trained staff in social work or other mental illness training.

The article, “Here’s What Happens When Social Workers, Not Police, Respond To Mental Health Crises” by Christina Jedra looks at the importance of evolving how law enforcement deals with mental health crisis calls. She states,
“A growing number of American cities are embracing another way: sending mental health first responders instead of police. The teams are made up of unarmed crisis workers, such as social workers and health care personnel, who advocates say are better equipped than police to handle cases that don’t involve violence or crime. ”
To read the entire article, please click here
With many unneeded deaths, a more balanced response is needed from law enforcement when dealing with mental crisis calls. Better training in Crisis Intervention and mental illness are a start but special responders may also be needed for non violent calls to prevent escalation and possible death of others.
Please also review AIHCP’s Crisis Intervention Program and see if it matches your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in Crisis Intervention Counsleing.