ADHD affects many children and adults. Identifying it is a critical part in learning how to live with it and have a productive life. Diagnosis though is a long and complicated process. There are numerous tests and screenings that help pin point if one has it or if it is severe or mild.

The article, “How ADHD Is Diagnosed” by Lauren Krouse takes a closer look how ADHD is diagnosed and and tested. She states,
“A healthcare provider can confirm an ADHD diagnosis with an in-depth interview and physical exam. However, diagnostic criteria vary slightly depending on whether the patient is an adult or a child.:
There are various steps and procedures for adults and children in diagnosing ADHD. To learn more and to read the entire article, please click here
With 5 percent of children and 2.5 percent of adults diagnosed with ADHD, it is important to learn if you or your child has it. If you suspect, take action and get the help that is needed. Please also review AIHCP’s ADHD Consulting Training and see if it meets your academic and professional goals. The program is online and independent study and open to qualified professionals seeking a four year certification in ADHD Consulting.