Medical experts provide important information to juries and meditation meetings. Legal Nurse Consultants can play the role of expert witness for numerous cases for and against the plaintiff or defendant in a malpractice case. Legal Nurse Consultants are sought after for this particular service.

The article, “How Much Do Medical Expert Witnesses Charge?” by Richard Haddad looks deeper into the role and part played by an expert medical witness. He states,
“If you are part of a lawsuit that in any way involves medical malpractice, you will certainly require an expert medical witness to testify before a court or deposition in support of your case. Unfortunately, these expert witnesses don’t come cheap, and may represent the most money that you will spend in a medical malpractice lawsuit.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s Legal Nurse Consultant Certification and see how it can help your career in the area of medical expert.