The pandemic has caused havoc in many life styles and routines. Going back to school is no different. The debate when or if to open schools have left many Americans in doubt. Some areas opened, while others did not and the areas that did open had new guidelines.

ADHD can make everything more complicated. Parents helping prepare children with ADHD for school definitely will face harder adjustments. Whether at doing home schooling or helping the child adjust in school itself, it will be a challenge.
The article, “How to Help Your Child With ADHD Start the School Year — Whatever It Looks Like — with Confidence” by Ashleigh Morley looks at how to help your child prepare your child. She states,
“With so many unknowns surrounding the coming school year, one of the important, foundational things that Dr. Theresa Cerulli, a neuropsychiatrist specializing in treating children and adults with ADHD, says parents can do to give their kids confidence and prepare them for the year ahead is to keep them involved with the planning. “With ADHD, structure needs to be your best friend,” Dr. Cerulli tells SheKnows.”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review AICHP’s ADHD Consulting Certification and see if it meets your academic and professional goals