ADHD affects adults and children differently. It is important to know the symptoms for your child or even yourself. The subtle differences manifest in different ways for adults and children.

The article, “Psychologist explains how ADHD affects adults, children differently” by Lisa Davidson reviews how these differences manifest. She states,
“Childhood symptoms may have gone undiagnosed or written off as ‘just being a kid,’ as there is developmental truth to that,” Waters said. “However, if the symptoms persist, increasing concerns about how they interfere with daily life and relationships will be noticed.” Adults with ADHD can suffer in a slightly different way. “Symptoms include a variety of behaviors including procrastination, difficulty sustaining attention, lack of organization, lack of motivation,” Waters said.”
Relationships are affected in different ways for those suffering from ADHD. Performance and interaction are common denominators that translate differently from school to work from parents to spouses. To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s ADHD Consulting Training Program. The program helps behavioral health and healthcare professionals learn the necessary knowledge and skills to help both children and adults.