Care Management has a variety of functions, from disease management to utilization management. These management techniques help increase patient outcome and reduce cost. Case Management is hence a key part of the healthcare system and something many companies and facilities invest thousands of dollars in. This is especially the case in training healthcare professionals in healthcare management

The article, “What We Talk About When We Talk About Care Management” by Leah Marcotte and Joshua Liao looks at healthcare management strategies. They state,
“Emphasis on care management has become ubiquitous in the era of value-based payment. At the vanguard of the movement, policy makers such as Medicare have emphasized care management via a variety of initiatives, ranging from payment models that encourage longitudinal care management1 to billing codes that reimburse clinicians for coordinating the care of patients who have chronic conditions”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review AIHCP’s Healthcare Case Management Program. The program is designed to help train professionals in the area of case management. Care and case management are key ingredients to healthcare and AIHCP’s programs continue to be essential in training professionals in Care Management.