Cancer is a difficult disease to treat. It is the plague of the modern era. In treating it, many utilize conventional methods, but complimentary and alternative methods can also be useful in overall treatment plans. Complimentary treatments can help prevent future cancer and also help with current treatments. These type of extra treatments need to be used in concert with conventional treatments and arranged only through professional guidance.

The article, “Let’s Talk About Complementary & Alternative Care for Cancer” by Erin Boyle looks at complimentary medicine and treatments that can be used in concert with conventional treatments of cancer. She states,
“Complementary medicine is used in addition to conventional cancer care. It can include products, practices, and healthcare systems outside of mainstream medicine. These methods don’t “cure” cancer, but work in conjunction with conventional cancer treatments to help in a variety of ways, including pain management and emotional support. ”
To read the entire article, please click here
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