ADHD like any issue can be triggered by multiple things. ADHD usually manifests with mundane tasks. Standing in line, or having to wait can all be unbearable for those with ADHD. Likewise sitting for long periods or having to listen and focus on a speaker can be difficult. One other element is hypersensativity.

Judith Gorsuch discusses the issue of hypersensitivity and her own triggers in the article, “Please Don’t Hug Me! Seriously. And More Weird Things That Trigger My Hypersensitive ADHD”. She states,
“When you’re diagnosed with ADHD as an adult as I was, you have the benefit of looking back several decades, cataloging your challenges, and finally realizing that not everyone lives this way. I keep a running list of random things I thought everyone struggled with, but it turns out that isn’t the case.”
To read the entire article, please click here
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