End of life is not just about the loss of a loved one or the soon to come loss, but it is also a time for burial preparation. End of life costs alone and care can be immense, but funerals and services can also cost alot. Many individuals prepare for this event to lessen the burden on loved ones, others are completely unprepared.

The article, The Business of Dying: End of life choices and their costs”, by
“Death – it’s not an easy topic to discuss. The details of dying, such as burial versus cremation or selecting your final resting place, make many people uncomfortable. But, like it or not, it’s coming for all of us someday. And with death comes many choices. ”
To read the entire article, please click here
Please also review our numerous programs regarding end of life, including Grief Counseling, Pastoral Thanatology, and finally Funeral Associate Certification